Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Faith over Fear

We are facing such interesting times right now. Our world is ravaged by fear and uncertainty as this virus, Covid-19, makes it way across the world. While the virus is our enemy, it is not our main enemy. We have an Enemy who has masterminded this set of circumstances. And it is time for the body of Christ to take a stand. 

Now, let me first say that I am all for doing what you can to protect yourself, your family and those vulnerable around you from contracting this disease. But this is not the time to live in fear. This is not a time to stop living. That is exactly what the Enemy wants us to do. 

We can see how he has isolated us as a people through social distancing. We can see how he has turned us against one another as people hatefully attack others for various reasons. Again, I will say, I am all for using your brain and being smart and proactive about not spreading the disease. But, people are not your enemy. 

Ephesians 6:10-12
Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. 

As a believer, my heart has been unsettled these last few weeks. We keep hearing that we are living in unprecedented times. And quite frankly, those words can strike fear very quickly that takes over one's mind and heart. But as a believer, let's look at this situation through a different lens.

  • We have an innate desire placed within our soul for community, to do life with other people. The Enemy has attempted to strip this away from us. We are not powerless to live in isolation, though. We have the opportunity to really see the people around us. Those living under our roof, those living next door to us, those the Lord brings to our minds and hearts. We have the opportunity, now, to be intentional in our relationships-to invest through time and presence with the precious family in our home, to serve our neighbors through whatever means possible and to use technology to connect with those He puts on our hearts. We do not have to succumb to the Enemy's attempt to isolate us. 
  • We see the Enemy's attempt to keep us trapped in fear-fear of the unknown, fear of what could be, fear of man. But, we have the truth of 1 Timothy 1:7. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and sound judgment." We have the opportunity to allow God to grow our faith and trust in Him. We do not have to be slaves of fear. Through God, because of His great grace and love for us, He has given us freedom from fear. And, as this verse says, He doesn't just give us freedom from fear but gives us a spirit of power, love and sound judgment.
  • We see the Enemy's attempt to silence the Church as the doors of churches have been closed. But the Church is not a building, the Church is the people, the body of Christ. As such, we can take His good news to every corner of our home, our neighborhood and our world. Let's not neglect the opportunity and the call we each have on our lives as children of God to take His truth to our lost and scared world. Matthew 28: 19-20 "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  
  • We see the Enemy's attack to turn us against one another, making us live in fear of one another. We are afraid of our neighbors and those we come in contact with grocery shopping-afraid that we may get the virus from them, afraid that they will 'turn us in' if we are not following the guidelines to a T, afraid of how the people in our government are potentially taking away our liberties one by one. That is a lot of fear towards people who are made in the image of God. But here's the thing, we have another promise from Scripture regarding our fear of man. Romans 8:31(b) "If God is for us, who is against us?" Just as I am for my children, God is for me. And He is for you, too, if you are His child. 
  • We see the Enemy's attempt in making us think our voice doesn't matter and isn't heard. We may try harder and harder to make our voice heard to those around us, especially through social media in this time of social distancing, but it seems there is always someone who comes against our voice to silence us. But, we have a God who hears us and deeply desires that we bring every single concern and word to Him. Matthew 6:6 "But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your cares on Him, because He cares about you."
What I keep coming back to is a deep desire to not waste this time and opportunity trapped in fear. My desire and prayer everyday is that the Lord would fully ignite every barely flickering flame in His children across our country and across our world. For I know in my life and in our country, it is terribly easy to become complacent and comfortable in our daily lives and keep God out of our daily life. But this pandemic has stirred us up. Taken away our comfort and normal living. Let's not waste this time. 

The Lord is coming back. He will take His children home with Him once and for all, sooner than later. But He is so gracious and kind. He is delaying to allow every single person possible the opportunity to be with Him forever. Church, do not waste this time. Do not miss this opportunity to live out your faith. Do not miss this opportunity to share your faith. Remember, because of Jesus, because of the cross, His victory is ours. Make today, this new start to a new month, the day you forever say no to fear and a resounding yes to faith!

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