Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Abide{in Prayer}

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "pray without ceasing"
Do you find this verse intimidating? Something that seems out of reach? How is it possible to 'pray without ceasing?!' We have huge demands upon us each and every day and the "noise" level is often off the charts. How can we find time to slip away someplace quiet and pray, without stopping?!
As I've spent more time with Jesus and our relationship has grown, I've come to understand that "pray without ceasing" is indeed possible. That doesn't mean I slip away to a closet or dark corner and talk to Him in peace and quiet.
What it does mean is that I'm constantly talking with Him about my day, about the circumstances and situations I'm facing. Just as you would text, email or call a friend throughout the day, you can talk to Jesus throughout the day.
He wants to be involved in every minute detail of your day. Do you realize that? I mean really understand that it delights Him when you invite Him into your day and share everything with Him. It's mind blowing, really.
The demands of our days are real and the pressure can be intense. And it can be easy to think we can handle it on our own OR feel helpless to handle it at all. But, we always have Somebody ready and willing to help us face and walk through whatever the day lays before us.
Philippians 4:6 says "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let you requests be made known to God."
Share your day with Him. Share your thoughts and feelings about whatever is consuming your mind throughout the day. Abide in Him today.
abide prayer 1 thessalonians 5:17

1 comment:

  1. It is mind blowing! My mind has been kind of blown a lot this week with thoughts about Jesus just like THIS :) I do need to be more intentional with spending more time throughout my day just talking to him.


Thank you so much for taking a minute to share your heart with me!